This project is maintained by diseasemodeling
Version 2 allows comparative analyses of alternative decision scenarios, evaluate upto daily changes in decisions, and flexibility in setting analyses time-period
An interactive simulation tool for evaluating weekly changes in options for social distancing, contact tracing and testing, and universal testing, over a 52 week period - Application to the State of New York.
Click on run model link to open in Google Colab - you will have to log in to your google account for the code to work. The simulation model is built in Python, if you run it in Colab, no software installation is needed.
In Google Colab, click on ‘Runtime–>Run all’. Follow instructions given by the model to enter decisons you would like to evaluate
Sample scenario 1- Maximum contact reduction (only essential services open)
Sample scenario 2- Phasing out social distancing, while combining with increased testing
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Citing instructions: Xinmeng Zhao, Hanisha Tatapudi, Sonza Singh, Shifali Bansal, Seyedeh Nazanin Khatami, & Chaitra Gopalappa. (2020). COVID-19 simulation (v2)- An Interactive Tool for Analyses of Phased Reopening Decisions (v2.0). Zenodo. \
For questions, comments, or interests in collaborations please contact the corresponding author.
Corresponding author contact: Dr. Chaitra Gopalappa; email: \ Disease Modeling Lab, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Acknowledgments: NSF #1915481